Wednesday, July 27, 2005

What The Fuck...

Is it wierd that I get embarassed for people on television? Okay so it happens with anything reality where people perform, or really bad acting... It all started for me back a few years ago when there was a Kareokee type show on Mtv, they'd spin the wheel (of death, j/k) and whatever song it landed on, the contestant had to put on their very best performance. It was physically impossible for me to watch that show! I really think I should be medicated...

I don't know what the weather is like around the rest of the country (it's not like I'm a weatherman...or someone that watches the weather channel), but here in Nebraska, it has been rediculously hot for the better part of the summer. I'm talkin, stick your hand in a preheated oven and that's what it feels like. Well we got one hell of a nasty storm Monday night, and what do ya know? It was like 70*F yesterday. I kid you not, I actually wanted to put a sweater on at like 2pm. Today is a bit warmer, but still very nice. Please someone that does not live in Nebraska (and preferably not Iowa, because I pride myself on the fact that I enjoy making fun of Iowa), inform me if you live in a state that has nice warm (but not too hot) summers, as well as the other 3 seasons. I may consider adding to your states population someday.

I've never really paid any attention to all that celebrity gossip crap. It just makes me realize that I live in Nebraska, and that no one really gives a fuck about us (remind me to post my sour thoughts about that later). Well that was all until I discovered not a website, but a whole different world called The Superficial. I love it. The stuff that has been posted lately is a kind of stuffy, but if you rumage through the archives there is some good stuff in there. The best part about some of it, is that there is no substancial evidence that the story is true, except that they know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone else, who's hair stylist does hair for a PR person who hears all the dirty secrets in Hollywood. Note: Do not send me mean and hateful email if you didn't understand the previous sentence...because I don't get it either..just DEAL people!)
Two examples that probably have zero reliable evidence is the alleged Tom Cruise/Rob Thomas scandal and the alleged Lindsay Lohan drug problem. But hell, it could happen. Makes my life rich and meaningful to at least believe in something, even if that means to believe that one of the "sexiest men alive" might be gay and the newest bitch to arrive on the hollywood scene could be a crack addict...

Chandler: I can't take it any more! So you win, okay? Pheebs? Flying a jet? Better make it a spaceship so that you can get back to your home planet! And Ross, phone call for you today - Tom Jones, he wants his pants back! And Hornswoggle? What? Are you dating a character from "Fraggle Rock"? Ahh.

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