Monday, January 19, 2009

Weigh In: Week 2

Today marks week 2 of my diet.

Let me start by saying that I am OFFICIALLY on a diet. I've made it through the first week of hell. It wasn't so bad, it's just alot to get used to. As they say; old habits die hard. I was always one of those people that ate out of bordom. So at home I always sat and ate snacks at the computer, while at work I would munch on fried deli food. I've had to find other ways to fill that void. It's pretty easy at home to do, because I'm not home all that much. I'm pulling 60 hour work weeks from now until God only knows when because my boss is having back surgery today. Out of her whole staff she trusts me and the assistant manager...

Which leaves me with the void at work. This past week was difficult, but I keep reminding myself that if I eat that burrito, it's going to make a home for itself on my ass and I will have to work 3 times as hard to get it to pack up and leave. I keep myself busy with cleaning and organizing the store...not just to take my mind of food but also to try to make up for the fact that I'm not exercising as much as I should because I'm pulling so many hours. I try and stay at a fast pace to work up a I constantly find myself doing butt crunches...despite the fact that I know customers think I'm try to pass a monster fart discretely.

Now the fun part.

I weighed myself first thing this morning...erm, after I went to the bathroom and I'm happy to say that I weigh in at [insert drum roll]:


1 comment:

This Fat Chick said...

Yaaay Chaelly! You're totally motivating me and you don't even know it. I'm gonna go get a $10 gym membership this week! Keep it up!