Friday, October 14, 2005

Sorry for the craziness!!!!!

I've been being anal lately about my blog. I originally made my own template from scratch, but it ended up looking like a box of Cheez-It crackers. I finally found one that I think I like. Either way, I'm tired of looking for what I want, so this one will be staying for a while!



Ms. Adventures said...

looks like you've got it straight! I was going to try to give you the code you needed but you got it. Looks good. The only thing I don't like about this template is all the white space around the outside. Seems like a lot of wasted space. It's cute regardless though.

Michaela said...

I may change that white space...I agree 100% with you on that. I'm just glad that for the most part I figured it out.

Ms. Adventures said...

Yes looks great. The colors are good. Like I've said before, HTML on these things sucks!!

Michaela said...


Michaela said...

Yes, I never want to look at html again!!

Thanks for the comps on the outcome of it!

Anonymous said...

Hey all. Check out this! It's a really cool website I found.