Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How Could I Forget?

I just received an email from my friend Steph out in San Francisco who brought 2 things to my attention (1 she probably didn't realize). The first is that I forgot to mention her in my last post! The second one I've forgotten, so it's not all that important!!

To Steph: I truly am very sorry, by not mentioning you I hope you didn't assume that I WOULD indeed make you wear neon flapper/fringe?! I would only make one person wear something so awful because it would only match her awful personality and I believe you know who I'm speaking of (*cough* lauren *caugh*).

Though I could probably make some arrangements if you're interested in the personalized cape...

Just so we're all up to speed, Lydia and Steph have recieved written blog evidence of my promise to keep them out of the flapper/fringe/Dolly/RuPaul bridesmaid gowns! So long as you wake me up with a 'wet willie' if I ever think that red ribbon ass bows would look good.



Michaela said...

Oh, the second one was that you read my blog!

Michaela said...

Yeah, it doesn't help that I have the shortest attention span known to man...

Anonymous said...

Hey all. Check out this! It's a really cool website I found.