Sunday, October 16, 2005

Applesauce and such

Years ago my mother prided herself with the fact that if worldly destruction came upon us, we would be well fed for a good 5 years with her healthy wholesome homemade canned food. We had everything...applesauce, salsa, chili sauce, a variety of jams including: strawberry, peach, raspberry, wildberry, applebutter, jalapeano, blueberry...Also canned veggies: pickles and beets, chili beean dip, tomato sauce, tomato puree, and whole tomatoes.

I believe the last time she canned something was in 1997, and what would ya know...WE STILL HAVE CANNED GOODS that is now 8 YEARS OLD! I'm not willing to put my stomach and my lacking gag reflex on the line for a possible glitch in the preservation-of-food-thru-canning system!!! I bring this up because my mom made a lovely dinner tonight, and thought it would be nice to have a generous serving of her famous applesauce with our pork. I trust 8 year old applesauce about as much as I trust 2 week old raw beef!

Today I spent a few hours outside doing yard work. It was a beautiful day to be out! It's hard to believe that it's still in the mid 70's in the middle of October...Hard to believe in Nebraska! I'm like 4 minutes walking distance from Jocelyn Castle, which is just shy of of being the most beautiful place in the Midwest.

Have a creative evening young ones!


Anonymous said...
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FRITZ said...

So, a WHOLE new look over here? Wow! You're getting pretty good at this template thing.

Mmmmm....old canned goods...I don't know; they SAY canned goods are fine to eat millenia later. I love raspberrys.

Wow, that IS nice for Omaha! Go to the zoo for me and pet the bears. I love the bears. I love Omaha zoo...

Anonymous said...

Cheally, that was me I was just playing...seeing if I could trick you!!!! hehe

Michaela said...

HAHA It worked!!

Fritz: I actually have been thinkng of going to the zoo...If I do, I'll stop by the bears!

Ms. Adventures said...

If you do stop by the zoo, I wouldn't think petting the bears is a very good idea......

Old canned goods? Eh I dunno, though you're talking to someone who throws leftovers out after 3 or 4 days.

Michaela said...

Ashley, that's because you're normal!! I'd give my right arm to have my mother have your way of thinking!!

Michaela said...

What?? I didn't photoshop that picture. That's what me and my dog look like.

Michaela said...
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Michaela said...

yeah...I really thought it was her!! She had come over for dinner that same night, and I thought she might have gotten a glance of my blog...I deleted it b/c in the previous post I said that she was the 'purest' form of evil...True but, didn't think she'd react well.

FRITZ said...

no, no, the bears at Omaha are SPECIAL bears. They have spoken with me when I would do homework there.

I asked them about Statistics Permutations, and they would quiz me and I would feed them fish, and we were all quite happy.

The bears help with homework, Michaela. They do. They really, really do.

Michaela said...

I'm with ya Fritz. My dad thought I was crazy when I told him a male organgutan was putting the moves on me.

Anonymous said...

Hey all. Check out this! It's a really cool website I found.