Random Thoughts For Your Sunday Morning
-John A. Gentleman's is a mortuary service here in Omaha...a few years ago they bought a semi-new building in West Omaha to have as their second location. Key word is 'semi-new'...Prior to the mortuary the building was home to an upscale restaurant names "Sydney's". They had the best pasta dish called "Piedmont Portabello"...I really hope that building doesn't turn into the home of a future restaurant anytime soon...cuz that would be yucky!
-I hate people that use the head phone method as their cell phone. Do you think they realize that onlookers just think they're crazy because
they're talking to themselves?
-Trial and error just doesn't work for some people. I slammed my finger in the damn register a world record breaking 4 times tonight! And worse, not once did I see it commin'! OUCH!
-To the 49 customers that jokingly pointed this out yesterday...Windshield washer fluid is not gatorade, people...I know it looks thirst quenching, but I guarentee you, it will not 'fill you up'.
-One of these days I'm gonna stop making small talk with these fools...I'll just let them think of it as gatorade. So when a small child hears them they snatch one and chug it like beer (beer that's goin' out of style..) let my statement be heard now that I had no part in it!
-It scares me when cops refer to pulling over intoxicated drivers as "hunting for some drunks".
-For the last time Oscar, dirt is not a treat to be eaten!
I don't think there's anymore random thoughts in my head for now....boooo!
I'll be back later!
Michaela, Michaela, Michaela! I'm here! HELLO! I haven't left!
Your random thoughts are so spot on. I agree, cept for the hands-free cell phone use. I like it when people use those things cause it makes people DRIVE!!! There is NOTHING more irritating than getting behind someone who will not drive right cause they're holding their cell phone to their BLASTED ear!
Anyway, I had a dream about you on Saturday night. I had convinced my boss that we had some business to attend to near you, and had him pay for everything to go visit you! He was very unhappy when he found out we didn't have any business there. I was glad to see you anyway!
Yak: I MISSED YOU! Where the hell have you been? We must catch up sometime.
Oh and Yak...The Windshield fluid is not for drinkin' I know it looks yummy, but that's as far as it goes!
WW: I don't mind them for driving (although they do still look crazy), I was talking about when customers come into my store and are talking to the person on the other end and I make the akward mistake of assuming they're talking to me. They in turn look at me like I'M the crazy one...not them, considering they're the one that looks like they're talking to an imaginary friend...
The above paragraph is the reason I didn't elaborate on the subject, because as I feared, it makes no sense whatsoever!!
I'm so honored to have made an appearance in one of your dreams! That is the ultimate compliment. Tell your imaginary boss that we had very very crucial business to attend to here in Omaha!
HAHA! Ok I'll let him know.
I see your point about the hands free in regular life. That would aggravate me too.
I love the pictures you took of yourself BTW.
I think it's a bit safer than using up one hand, but you make a very valid point with the general distraction. I just hate it when they use them while inside a store! I'm thinking of a certain gentleman and I want to back hand him in the face!!
That's how frustrating it is! LOL
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