The clunking is the worst issue to date. I hear it when I'm braking while in reverse, and it sounds like little gnomes whacking at my axel with wooden mallets. What if it really is? How weird would that be?
Had my micro-computer fundamentals class today. Nothing particularly exciting going on in there except for the fact that my instructor is a fool. She doesn't know a damn thing about computers, which makes me wonder how the hell she got a job teaching students..but we probably shouldn't pull on that string...
I seriously need to start blogging about my dreams, b/c you people would think I were on drugs if you read about some of the stuff I dream up.
Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant and I was telling everyone I knew about it, thus having giant baby showers thrown in me and my expecting offspring's honor...I even kept thinking that I needed to post about my baby coming on my blog, b/ c well, you all deserve to be in the know about my life. Half way through the dream I realize (while at my baby shower) that it was a lie that had gotten completely out of hand. I didn't have the balls to get up and tell everyone that I had made it all up, b/c that would make me look bad (wink wink). So instead I started to devise a plan that would get me knocked up ...exit that dream and enter another dream where I actually am pregnant, and I get the news that I'm having triplets...karma is such a bitch!
Moral of that dream? Don't lie otherwise you will give birth to triplets!
LOL! That's crazy! THANK GOD it wasn't real! Now that'd be a nightmare fo' sho!
HAHA, you wanna hear something really funny? I told my mom about the dream, and when I finished she said: "My God, you got dream knocked up? Oh, and let me weren't dream married where you?...lets just hope that YOUR dreams never come true".
Gotta love my mother...
1. I had a 1990 Trooper in college. Let me tell you, it's the streets there in Omaha that is adding to the clunking, I'm sure of it. Your suspension is probably shot.
2. Micro fundamentals? My God, I don't even know what that MEANS.
3. DREAM ANALYSIS: Dreaming about pregnancy or babies generally indicates your need to nurture your spirit. Babies indicate change and creativity, to a point. They also indicate a part of yourself that is innocent and should be cherished. I think you are dreaming about all the new things going on in your life, and all the decisions you have to make. You may be 'pregnant' with potential, ideas, etc, and that's why triplets...
Just a stab in the dark.
Fritz: Not bad on the dream analysis! You've got some good points in there.
The Micro Fundamentals class is just stupid! It's a long name that basically means intro comp class! My school just tries to scare the hell out of us!
LOL at your Mom! That's hilarious.
Good insight Fritz.
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