Sunday, August 14, 2005

So tired, so very very tired

I moved heavy boxes up and down stairs..ALL DAY LONG. My legs are burning like a fucking bond fire and I'm so tired I can barely form full sentences. Of course I didn't have the heart to make my poor old mother lug the heavy boxes filled with her cookbooks...took 11 boxes to transport those little suckers. It's times like these when I wish that I was a real bitch.

My little fucker of a dog met another Lhasa Apso today...a female Lhasa Apso...and I think it confirmed our suspision...Oscar is gay. He doesn't like the female doggies. Think about it, he likes his doggy clothes way too much for his own good and he humps men.

I'm too tired to go on with this usless banter.

Buh bye.


Michaela said...

Oh I'm supportive alright, I hold the pictures of the male great dane's while he humps my leg. I blame myself for having no father figure in the house...

Anamika Anyone said...

A gay dog??Hmmm........